I knew her flight and arrival time, but for some reason all the Arrival/Departure screens were not working.
I knew her flight and arrival time, but for some reason all the Arrival/Departure screens were not working.
For once, I don’t want to be cautiously optimistic? I want to be optimistic – exclamation point! -guest blogger KLC
It is not really a pocketful of sunshine. I never pictured becoming a mother to involve so much poking and prodding…um…well, I mean medically. - Guest Blogger KLC
Guest Blogger KLC: Maybe I learned to deal with grief by retail therapy by example? My dad, at the sake of being childish, “started it”. First, he was the one that loaded my brother and I on a plane to Las Vegas first class for a week after my mom died.
By Guest Blogger KLC - “It is like there is this secret club out there with millions of members and no one wants to open up about it until they get the secret handshake from someone.”
Cartoons will now appear on the main page…
By Guest Blogger KLC - Then, one night, I posted on my Facebook page, “Dear Santa: I want an iPad and a trip to Utah this year for Christmas.”
Back in the early to mid-‘90s when I was writing and submitting serious short fiction, or what I would categorize now as ‘sh*t no one wanted to read‘ I found a champion of my work on the Internet.