If you and your family celebrate Christmas, that celebration will look very different during the course of a lifetime. Even the family you celebrate the holiday with will most likely change.
All in Family
If you and your family celebrate Christmas, that celebration will look very different during the course of a lifetime. Even the family you celebrate the holiday with will most likely change.
Those of us who grew up in a household with only one income can relate to the story that follows.
Funny, but the post you are about to read is nothing like the first draft I wrote on this incident. In fact, it is the polar opposite of what I intended. Guess it really depends on which side of the glass you look through.
Let me explain
I am by no means a hoarder, but if I were to die tomorrow, there is a lot of stuff that my kids will have to deal with (i.e. throw away).
I loved getting together with family, seeing my Grandmother, my Aunts and Uncles and especially my cousins, but when it came to the food, I was terrible. I was an adopted loaf of white bread in a family of exquisite pastries.
It was not mine, but it may have been my son Danny’s first concert.
Although, after what we saw that night, I’m surprised he ever went back to see another.
You never know who you are going to run into on any given day (or night), or how that run in will turn out.
It is Monday night, and I am sitting here in New Jersey waiting for Hurricane Sandy to reach landfall.
It was a dark and stormy night.
Actually, it was a beautiful sunny Monday afternoon when my brother, my sister, and myself dug a grave.
I am amazed that siblings growing up in the same house could be so different from one another. My daughter, Amanda, my sons, Alexander and Danny, may share a common genetic code, but that’s about it. You can tell they are related but I knew watching them grow up, they weren’t the same.
My youngest son is a really good cook.
He must get that from his mother because the last thing I want (nor can) do is cook.
In the early part of my online dating experience, when I was not quite a novice, but yet to achieve a Master's Degree in the art of finding love on the Internet, I met ChampagneLady58.