I love psychics (but you knew that).
All in Other
Recently, a friend and I went to a bar where another friend, Traci, is a bartender. She just started a new day job and told us how her company sends her to HR (Human Resource) classes, has her watch videos, and basically she finds it very hard to stay engaged.
Reminded me of my first days at AT&T, back in the eighties.
Spent the last week of July this year down in Belmar, New Jersey in the bottom half of my ex-sister-in-law’s two family house. Its a great house, equidistant between the beach and the center-of-town. However, my favorite thing to do is, at the end of the day, after the sun goes, is plant myself on the front section of her wrap around porch.
Author’s Note: This is not a spoiler alert, this is more like ‘if you don’t like what I say next, do not read further.’
It was Father’s Day a few years ago and the kids and I decided to do a tour of the Jersey shore. The plan was to start in Asbury Park, and then we would work our way along the coast to Belmar and then end up in Point Pleasant for a late lunch. In Asbury Park, as we walked the boardwalk, I got excited as we neared Convention Hall. I told the kids to follow me...
It was like listening to two forty-something frat boys trying to one up each other.
Author’s Note: For this post, I am not using real names. I’m not hiding a crime (well, not really) and the people involved know who they are. Usually, I would ask the people in the post if I could use their names, but in this case, I don’t have access to everyone, so ‘the names have been changed to protect...me.’
Drove out of my development the other day, saw a young couple, and another young woman, who stood by a small, white SUV, hatch back open and the tail end of a couch hung out over the pavement. The three stared at the car, puzzled looks stamped on their faces.
I grew up at a time that drunk driving was encouraged (kidding, of course – sort of).
Anyone who has read my blog knows I write about my ex-wife, Arlene, a good deal of the time. Now, before you think this is some angry ex-husband rant, you’d be wrong.
Who wouldn’t be thrilled to get a call from the band and be told that, unless I can get to the venue by six-thirty that night, the show won’t go on.
Each Monday night a group of us play trivia at a bar in Annandale (New Jersey). Its a big bar and a very friendly group of teams.
That is, it was until last Monday.
It’s the end of October, outside my window the leaves have changed, the nights come quick, so what better time to talk about a shore house my friends and I rented during the summer of nineteen-seventy-nine in Seaside Heights, New Jersey.
Author’s Note: I really debated about posting this, but since I pretty much put everything on my blog, from dating to my daily driving habits, I figured, why the hell not...