How can you change the world? - By Guest Blogger Scott DeSantis
So my wife’s uncle, who is someone we see quite often, is a friend of mine on Facebook as well. Every so often, I’ll have some sort of fleeting thought that turns into a long winded rant that I’ll post on Facebook. Whether it’s family, sports, religion, or something completely random, I channel this inner “writer” that recalls its once used skills in the 12th grade to go on some tirade about some arbitrary thought.
Well, I’ll be damned when Al approached me and actually complimented me on my writing skills and asked if I wouldn’t mind writing something for his blog. Thankful, my brain immediately felt the pressure of, what in the world do I write about?
I’m a contractor, the most I write on a weekly basis is my material list for the job on a random scrap of lumber or drywall. Do I go with sports? Not everyone likes sports. Do I go with family? Not everyone will understand the dynamic. Do I go with politics? Nope. Angry, happy, sad, sappy, inspirational. The possibilities are endless for the guy who only writes on trash all week!
So it’s been maybe 3 weeks or so since he asked me, and I figured I’d just let it marinade a little bit in my brain and let something organic come to me, let something smack me in face and tell me, “that’s it”.
The smack came today.
My wife and I decided to take somewhat of an impromptu vacation to Myrtle Beach with the kids. The driving force behind that location is a good friend of mine, he moved down to that area about 10 years ago. We researched, found a condo for a phenomenal price, checked out the route, found a few things to do coming to and from, and boom, trip was booked. Obviously part of the plan while on the trip was to visit my friend who I’ve known now for over 20 years.
This man helped create who I am today.
My friend, mentor, and lifelines name is Joe. Joe is about 30 years my senior, but he has been there through the thick and thin. Joe was my youth group and bible study leader when I was a kid/teenager. He was always around to smack you in the head when you did something stupid as an adolescent fool, take you for ice cream on a random Friday night, or be on the other end of the phone when you truly were down and out. This relationship grew well beyond just “some old guy” helping out the youth at the church. Joe really stuck around when the going got tough. I went through a nasty divorce, struggled hard spiritually, and pushed back hard against everyone who wanted to help me. Joe always knew when to let me go, when to send the perfect text, and when to drive from Myrtle Beach to see me.
This week I got to spend time with someone who never let go of me, who always held me accountable no matter how wrong or right I was. Who I got to listen talk to my kids about countless memories me and him had together over the years. Words can’t describe the love I have for such an amazing mentor who never gave up on me. Who changed my life by just being there. Joe doesn’t have kids, but you’d never know it.
I would not be where I am today and the man I am today, without Joe. I could go on and on about the memories, the jokes, the laughs and the tears, but I’d like to circle back to the reason why this one “smacked me in the face”.
Be that person. Be that person for someone in your life. You never know who’s going to need you like I needed Joe my entire life. Be selfless. Be accountable. Be real. How can you change the world?
One person at a time.
Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash
Scott DeSantis
An experienced contractor and owner of DeSantis Contracting LLC. He takes great pride in his craft of home remodeling and making his customer's dreams a reality. Scott is married to the love of his life and has three children. In his spare time, he likes to perfect his golf game, cheer for the Steelers and take his fantasy football team to the playoffs…