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Perspective - Guest Blogger Scott DeSantis

Perspective - Guest Blogger Scott DeSantis

I always find perspective in random places in my life. It’s these arbitrary moments that something seems to permeate into my brain and push me into some sort of deep thought process. This is not of those moments, this is a culmination of a lot of those moments.

When we are kids our parents drill into our heads about common sense. Don’t eat with a steak knife like it’s a fork (maybe this was just me?). Don’t drink out of the toilet. Don’t go home with strangers. You know, all the “common sense” obvious facts of life. As my kids grow up I’m reminding them of all the same things I learned when I was there age. But when does this change if ever?

I feel like with age, comes complacency. We become very enthralled with our routine and our own rationalization of “common sense”. We become accustomed to that routine and it’s the “my way or the highway” mentality. I watch not only my routine but the routine of a lot of people around me and I notice some similarities in a lot of those routines. Comfort being the biggest of them. If we deviate from that comfortable routine, things could go wrong. If things get out of whack, then what? If common sense no longer makes sense… everything’s thrown off!

The more confident we get in that routine and the more confident we get in ourselves our inhibitions start to drop. We teach ourselves, and convince ourselves that our confidence in what we are doing is common sense. Ever get drunk? Then you know what I’m talking about. Common sense tells us not to walk into a busy road. But, when you’re drunk, that roads seems not busy at all. Common sense is gone.

Now don’t get me wrong, confidence can be a great thing! Confidence over cocky, it’s a phenomenal trait. Let me wrap us this very confusing thought process that spilling out of my skull…

Try to teach your common sense to not waiver with your confidence!!

Be confident in what you do, be confident in what you say, be confident in who you are as a person… but don’t let common sense hinder what that looks like! Be willing to BE confident. People are so afraid of being confident in themselves just because they think people will think less of them. Kick rocks! Understand your value in this world, to the people around you, the people that care about you genuinely. Be confident and watch your world around you change for the better. Watch the people in your life exude that same confidence because of the example you set!

Don’t drink out of a toilet, common sense. Confidence in who are you and what you do with your life… priceless.

No this is not a commercial blog for Mastercard, just seemed like a good way to “send off” my thought.

Scott DeSantis

An experienced contractor and owner of DeSantis Contracting LLC. He takes great pride in his craft of home remodeling and making his customer's dreams a reality. Scott is married to the love of his life and has three children. In his spare time, he likes to perfect his golf game, cheer for the Steelers and take his fantasy football team to the playoffs…

Top Photo by: Nadine Shaabana

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