How can you change the world? - By Guest Blogger Scott DeSantis

I’m a contractor, the most I write on a weekly basis is my material list for the job on a random scrap of lumber or drywall. Do I go with sports? Not everyone likes sports. Do I go with family? Not everyone will understand the dynamic. Do I go with politics? Nope. Angry, happy, sad, sappy, inspirational. The possibilities are endless for the guy who only writes on trash all week…

Even In Bad Times, People are Good

The cashier, a girl probably in high school, but not much older, says hello to me. As I take the last item out of my cart, I say good afternoon. When I move up even with her, she holds two twenties in her hand. I assume its the last man’s payment.

I was wrong…

And Now, The End is Near...

It rained my first day – not just rain, but a deluge and, because I was young an ill prepared, walked through the aisles, silently introducing myself, soaked to the skin. Not exactly an auspicious beginning to a thirty-five-year career; a career that ends today.


A new post by guest blogger Alicia V. - “I’m a wise-cracker, wiseacre, wisenheimer- whatever term you like.”


New guest blogger, welcome Michelle Kay “Michelle is a librarian, a yogi, and a contra dancer. She enjoys various creative pursuits and the sound her wedding crystal makes when dashed against a brick wall.”