Not Just a Girl and Her Dog

Funny, but the post you are about to read is nothing like the first draft I wrote on this incident. In fact, it is the polar opposite of what I intended. Guess it really depends on which side of the glass you look through.

Let me explain

Halloween And My Fight With A Pirate

When the kids came along to have a house filled with Halloween decorations was appropriate. The trick-or-treaters that ventured up our walkway were assaulted by various forms of zombies and ghouls that reached from the grave to take hold of the little princesses and cowboys in search of candy.

The Grand Diner

The year between my sophomore and junior year of high school, I got a job at The Grand Diner that was, without a doubt, the best job I ever had. Learned life skills there that I use to this very day.


I was exhausted. I went into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. I stared ahead and it looked like the walls were breathing. I fell back, but was too tired to sleep. This was a horrible day.

The funny thing is, looking back at that weekend now, this would be the good day.