More Than Art Was on Display in Brooklyn
My Battle Against the Greeting Card Industry Turned Into a Political Statement
Andy Grant is joined by writer, Al DeLuise, to talk about choosing to create a positive experience following a divorce. People can get divorced without wanting to kill each other. #RealMenFeel
Health Care takes a back seat to finding a really good parking spot
On the road with my ex-wife is the real trip
'Conflict and Scotch' can now also be found on 'The Good Men Project' website. A new post, or an old favorite, will go up every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.
Movies have ruined my life; they taught me that people fall in love at the drop-of-a-hat (I should stop wearing hats).
Much like men never like asking for directions, we also don’t like to do this - sheepishly, I peaked around the open hood and asked, “Do you have the owner’s manual?”
Truth be told, and we know if for a fact, rarely do we run into someone who truly has the Spirit of Christmas.
But, every now and again…
I’ve tried diets before, cut out fast food, maybe run a little, but I never really fundamentally changed the way I ate. This time I did. This time I ate – God forgive me - salads.
My nephew, Joe, who is in the Navy and stationed in San Diego (poor kid) called my sister and told her that he signed up to run the Avon (New Jersey) 5K in June and that she and Uncle Al (me) should run it as well.